
 South Bay Zine Fest

The first South Bay Zine Fest will take place at Illusion Hall on Third Avenue, Chula Vista on February 23, 2025. Check this website, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter for updates.

If you are interested in displaying your work, then sign up at the following link:


South Bay Zine Fest's mission is to showcase original stories and art from local creators to residents of the southern region of San Diego County (including Chula Vista, San Ysidro, Otay, Bonita).

Founded by Maxwell Scheller - "That Guy With A Game Boy Camera"

Confirmed Exhibitors:

Pitangawang - https://www.instagram.com/pitangawang/
Andi Dukleth - Aduklethart.com
John Dishwasher (Hemet, CA) - https://www.johndishwasher.org/zine.html ; https://www.instagram.com/johndishwasher/
Logan "Logs" Monroe - https://www.xtrapulpcomix.com/
Sea Sluggers Collective (Chula Vista, CA) - @rrocktype, @katdoods, and @sugarlilim on instagram!
Mara Gervais (Davis, CA) - http://maragervais.bigcartel.com/
Kimkim kimkimdang.wixsite.com/mysite
PurestRevolutionZine - @purestrevolutionzine (Private Instagram Account)
Cempazuchitl’s Library - https://www.instagram.com/cempazuchitls_library
Ferragotti Art (Bonita, CA) - https://www.ferragottiart.com/zines
Rachel Dukes - http://www.mixtapecomics
Chonku Town - https://www.instagram.com/chonkutown/
VLASINDA PRODUCTIONS (La Verne, CA) - https://www.instagram.com/vlasinda_stormdrain
Talking to Critters - https://instagram.com/talkingtocritters
LunaRoze Photography - https://lunaroze-photography.square.site/
Kristinie Weenie - https://instagram.com/_kristinie13
SD JES (Chula Vista) - https://instagram.com/mildserrano
Bill Ferehawk & David Hartwell (Los Angeles) - Bill: fret-zine.com, billferehawk.com | David: double-bang.com
Moorhead National Zine Collective - https://instagram.com/lauriemoorhead
Dahlia Salazar (San Ysidro) - https://instagram.com/dahlia.does.art
Hole Media - https://instagram.com/holemedia
SALTSTAND - IG: @saltstandzine bsky: @saltstand
Kaijiquid - https://kaijuqid.carrd.co
Boys of Bummer - linktr.ee/boys.of.bummer
su:chi:lt (Chula Vista) - https://instagram.com/su.chi.lt
cowlick (Westminster) - https://www.instagram.com/cowlickk/
Smilocide Studios (Los Angeles) - https://www.instagram.com/smilocide/

In case anyone is wondering, the name "Chula Vista Zine Fest" was taken years ago. Let's hope the organizers of that make a come back.
